My predictions for 2019 were not good enough for me to provide them here for review (although, I did call for Tiger Woods to win a major!) So, for 2020, I see the following: Office rent growth will slow in Boston’s suburban markets, but continue to accelerate for industrial properties. Life Sciences will lease
If the Greater Boston market is still looking so strong, why is everyone worried? Here are my predictions for 2019! 1. Wayfair will double their occupancy in Boston. 2. Boston and Cambridge Office rental rates will rise to record levels for new space surpassing $120psf. 3. Apartment rental rates will be flat. 4. WeWork will
The CRE industry kept smiling through 2017! Is anyone talking about innings anymore? We just keep doing deals. So, here are my predictions for the coming year: 1. Amazon will pass on Boston for a campus, but leave us with a great consolation prize. 2. No Turnpike air rights project will start construction (ditto for